Did you know that fewer than 3000 individuals in the United States make a living from writing fiction? That's right, and that 3000 includes Stephen King, Anne Rice, Tom Clancy, etc...
The rest of us not in that exclusive three thousand have to have day jobs, or spouses who will support us, or write technical manuals and web content and who knows what else in order to support our fiction efforts.
I've been trying to make it as a fiction writer for almost twenty years now, and it isn't getting easier. As a self-employed individual I pay my own health insurance out of pocket, and I pay double what an employed person pays in FICA and Social Security even though I won't get double the benefits.
Want to help out?
If you enjoyed the fiction you have read on this site, please consider paying the author something -- even if it's just a compliment! If you had bought a magazine for $5 or $10 and this was one of the pieces in it, what portion of your magazine fee would you like to see go to the writer? $1? $2?
Up to you. Think of the pieces I have put here as shareware. If you are moved to send a contribution, you can do it via PayPal by choosing "Send Money" and entering the recipient address "ctan.writer@gmail.com" -- Please choose "personal payment" to save on fees.
Donations can also be sent by regular mail to:
Cecilia Tan
c/o Circlet Press
39 Hurlbut Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
This address also good for general fan mail, gifts of a non-perishable nature, and the like...
My thanks!
Copyright © 2002 - 2010 Cecilia Tan
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