Updated version of this post now at : https://www.ceciliatan.com/archives/2342
Old version below:
The RT Booklovers Convention, colloquially known simply as “RT”, is a nonstop whirlwind of book love. I went to my first one last year, and it was simply an awesome time with a couple thousand passionate romance-novel-loving women (and a few men). It’s a place where no one’s afraid to wear their good cardigan sweater *and* custom Avengers high-top sneakers *and* rhinestone cat eye glasses. It’s a place where over a thousand introverts get showered with free books at parties where the publishers ply them with nothing but red wine and cupcakes. I’m exaggerating about none of this: check my Instagram feed from last year for the proof.
As I was saying, it’s a huge non-stop party, with a TON going on (check out The Agenda, which isn’t even everything!). If you’ve never been before and you’re not sure you can commit to the whole thing, there are day passes, and Saturday (“FAN-Tastic Day”) is the day with the Giant Book Fair–you can also do book fair ONLY. But check out the agenda and see what you like.
Under the cut, here are the details on where I’ll be found during the convention, since the RT website doesn’t actually connect all the appearances for each author into one list:
4:30 – 5pm Club RT
“Club RT” is a kind of lounge where authors hang out during designated half-hour slots to meet readers. Just show up and say hi! I’ll have various freebies to give away, maybe a reading copy or two.
9pm-midnight Taste of Texas Rodeo Party
Two of my publishers are sponsors of this party: Grand Central Publishing/Forever and Riverdale Avenue Books. So I believe I’ll be there to greet readers in some capacity, details TBD!
10am-11am Fun & Games With Forever!
Me and about 20 other authors from Grand Central/Forever including Rebecca Zanetti, Jodi Ellen Malpas, and many more will be running a fun games parlor for readers! (I think books are the prizes…?)
2:30-3pm Club RT
My second and final stint in Club RT, the informal hangout to meet with readers. Will bring tchotchke. Come get some.
So first there will be the awards ceremony, during which I will be receiving the Career Achievement Award in Erotic Romance!! (*no, the excitement does not wear off*) Followed by champagne reception with the winners. I’m buying a fabulous dress for the occasion so please come and take lots of photos & post them to Facebook so my mother will get to see it, OK? Each person in the audience also gets a goody bag with a lot of the winners’ books in it. (Did I mention you get a lot of free books at RT?)
10am – 2pm GIANT BOOK FAIR
This will be something like 500 authors autographing in a humongous room. You can buy tickets at the door just for this event if you like, and you can bring books FROM HOME to get them autographed (limit 2 per author, though). Or you can buy books there, of course. I’ll be alphabetically where the letter “T” is, so I expect I’ll be between Julia Talbot and Sofia Tate! You go around getting books/autographs from authors and then you pay one central cashier at the end for any books you acquired along the way.
I believe I’ll be in the “first shift” of authors giving away tons of stuff at this mini Fan Fest! First 500 attendees get a big goodie bag, but each author will have stuff to give away, and which authors are out swaps every 30 minutes or so! I made a special Magic University giveaway (you’ll see) and I’ll have pens, postcards, and other cool stuff! Plus, you know, come say hello!