Geek Actually is a fiction serial I’ve co-written with Cathy Yardley, Melissa Blue, and Rachel Stuhler for Serial Box Publishing. The official tagline is:
Sex and the City for the modern geek girl. Follows the lives of five diverse, geeky women as they navigate work, love, life, and the internet.
It’s in text and in audio formats! The first episode (titled WTF) premiered June 7, 2017, with a new installment appearing every Wednesday until the season finale on August 30. Episodes can be purchased individually at any time for $1.99, but Season Passes at Serial Box allow readers to pay for an entire serial upfront at a discount – $19.99 includes all 13 episodes in both text and audio (about $1.53 per episode).
You can read it via the Serial Box app on iOS or Android or subscribe through their website here. Or the individual episodes can also be pre-ordered/purchased from:
Serial Box • Amazon • Barnes & Noble • Apple iTunes • and other usual places ebooks and audiobooks are sold!
Theme Music!
This is the first thing I’ve done that has theme music! Check it out:
Smart Bitches Trashy Books published a preview excerpt:
Geek Girl Riot:
Geek Cast Live:
Geek Mom:
“There’s a lot to love about Geek Actually. The women are diverse in race, sexuality, relationship status, and career choices. They each have their own distinct voice, and the story doesn’t hesitate to show them all standing up and making those voices heard. The story also raises issues that women face in the workplace, especially in often male-dominated geek spheres like publishing and game development.”
In the Forest of Stories:
“I can tell this is gonna create some amazing, all too real narrative tension going forward.”
“The first ep drew me in, but the second full on hooked me. There’s so much potential for these women’s lives to overflow with all the best kinds of drama; a terrible thing in the real world, but the stuff Collinsesque serials are made of. I’ve got this mental image of myself screaming, “IS IT NEXT WEEK YET?” at the end of every episode.”
Phantom Paragrapher:
“Geek Actually is the perfect serial for the geek chic’s inside of us all and being a serial episode is a quick fast read.”
Readasaurus Reviews:
“…three cheers for some F/F rep in chick-lit. (YAS)…It’s an interesting set-up, but I’m enjoying the odd narrative style. Multiple POV stories normally don’t work for me, but each character in these Geek Actually books is so compelling that I’m actually excited to see how my precious little cinnamon rolls are doing. I feel like I need to check in.”
Other media:
The Bookseller: