I’ve been humbled, honored, and amazed by the fan art I’ve received! I’m posting some of it here to share with all of you.
Warning: some of this art could be considered NOT SAFE FOR WORK (depending on where you work, of course).
Magic University
Tryslora made a large group of LJ icons using quotes from the Magic U books and I put them together into this animated gif.
These teddy bears represent three of the main characters in Magic University: [Left to right] Alex, Kyle, and Frost! They were made by Brianne and are amazingly detailed. A full post with photos and descriptions of the details is here: https://www.ceciliatan.com/archives/538
Connie of Soiled Doves Mercantile, a steampunk and fantasy costume accessory vendor from Atlanta, started reading the Magic U series while we were at a con in the same dealers room (OutlantaCon, IIRC) and after she finished devouring the series she made me a hat! The four Tarot cards on the hat match the four that Kyle gets in his first reading from Alex. I’ve worn this hat to several wizarding world balls, now!
See more photos of the hat from more angles and closeups: https://www.ceciliatan.com/archives/503
The Prince’s Boy
When I first began serializing The Prince’s Boy and it wasn’t collected in a book yet, people began sending me fan art. I also commissioned some art to post with the serial. Eventually I used two pieces of fan art as the covers for the book volumes that came out in 2012.
“Magehands” by AJ of Earth
Kenet and Jorin by Red Rahl
Marksin by Anonymous
A commission by Tab Kimpton, the brilliant artist behind Discord Comics and Khaos Komix
Jorin by Caroline O’Grady
Kenet by Simya
Kenet and Jorin by Romanticfae. This became the cover of volume 2! (Romanticfae, if you see this, I’d still like to send you copies of the books but I never got your address?)
The art I commissioned for the volume one. Originally I had commissioned a piece of Harry Potter fan art from this artist who was fundraising by offering commissions, but when I found out she was a fan of The Prince’s boy, too, we changed it to an official original composition intended for the book cover.
“Window on a Slave (Jorin)” by Anonymous
I should also add I commissioned two icons to represent the two boys graphically in each chapter, since their narration alternates. These were done by Tod of Art by Tod who occasionally would run “Free Icon Days” and do character sketches for LiveJournal icons/RPG avatars/etc. He made these two:
For the recent Wattpad and Juke Pop Serials mirrors, I’ve been using a version of Romanticfae’s art, though: