This page summarizes the current ways a reader can support, follow, or connect with me:
As an independent creator in the digital age, I realize there are many ways to connect with readers and to solicit their support directly, so I’m compiling all of mine in one place here. Support from readers comes in many forms, both non-monetary (boosting posts, amplifying message, cheerleading, etc) and monetary! The mechanisms for support are constantly changing and evolving as new tools, websites, and norms come along. Direct support is a key piece of the modern ecosystem for authors people like me, even when I am also publishing work with large publishers. I am grateful for and honored by the support I’ve received.
Direct Monetary ways include:
- Patreon
- Ko-fi
- Venmo
- Paypal
- Kickstarter (when a campaign is active)
- Buying my self-published books directly
Indirect monetary ways include:
- Buying my books via bookstores including
- Requesting that your local library acquire copies of my books
Non-monetary ways include:
- Subscribe to my email newsletter(s) — details below
- Following me on social media and amplifying my messages there
- Twitter (@ceciliatan)
- Instagram (@ctan_writer)
- Facebook Page (thececiliatan)
- Personal Facebook (cecilia.tan — I don’t friend back everyone, but you can “follow” & reply to my posts there)
- Tumblr (@ceciliatan – I’m no longer active there since the big porn purge but my Instagram does sometimes re-post there)
- Goodreads
Miscellaneous other places to follow me where I’m not as active nowadays:
- Pinterest: ctanwriter
- Youtube Channel
- Soundcloud
- Wattpad
Want to get news and stories and free stuff from me in your email box directly?
If you’d like to get the Cecilia Tan Email Newsletter about ALL the upcoming books and project and stories, with occasional recipes, it’s here via Mailchimp — it is supposedly monthly but really it’s more like 3-4 times a year:
If you are a fan of Daron’s Guitar Chronicles, the DGC Insider mailing list is at:
DGC: Daron’s Facebook page | DGC Facebook Group | Twitter | website