Several versions of my bio are below, and high resolution publicity photos are at the bottom of the page.
General bio (~150 words):
Cecilia Tan is “simply one of the most important writers, editors, and innovators in contemporary American erotic literature” for her pioneering efforts to combine erotica with fantasy and science fiction, according to Susie Bright. RT Magazine awarded her Career Achievement in Erotica in 2015 and their prestigious Pioneer Award, and her works have racked up a number of other awards over the years as well. She is the founder of Circlet Press, Inc., publishers of erotic science fiction and fantasy, as well as the author of many books, including the ground-breaking erotic sf/fantasy short story collections Black Feathers (HarperCollins) and White Flames (Running Press), and the Magic University series (Riverdale Avenue Books). Her short stories have appeared in Ms. Magazine, Asimov’s Science Fiction, Absolute Magnitude, Strange Horizons, and tons of other places. She lives in the Boston area with her lifelong partner corwin and two cats.
Science fiction/fantasy focus (~100 words):
Cecilia Tan is “simply one of the most important writers, editors, and innovators in contemporary American erotic literature,” for her pioneering the combination of erotica and science fiction, according to Susie Bright, and her works have racked up a number of awards. She founded Circlet Press, publishers of erotic sf/fantasy, and is the author of many books, including the ground-breaking short story collections Black Feathers (HarperCollins) and White Flames (Running Press), and the Magic University series (Riverdale Avenue Books) and short stories in Ms. Magazine, Asimov’s Science Fiction, Absolute Magnitude, Strange Horizons.
Mainstream romance focus (~100 words):
Cecilia Tan is an award-winning author of passionate fiction. RT Book Reviews awarded her Career Achievement in Erotic Romance in 2015 and her novel Slow Surrender (Hachette/Forever, 2013) won the RT Reviewers Choice Award and the Maggie Award for Excellence from GRW in 2013. Her works include the Secrets of a Rock Star Series (Hachette/Forever), the Struck by Lightning Series (Hachette/Forever), The Velderet (Circlet Press), and Magic University, called “a trans-inclusive fantasy for Harry Potter fans” by Autostraddle. Cecilia is also the founder of Circlet Press.
BDSM/alternative sexuality focus (~200 words):
Cecilia Tan is “simply one of the most important writers, editors, and innovators in contemporary American erotic literature,” according to Susie Bright. Her work often interrogates consent, explores the boundaries of relationships, and celebrates the transformative power of sex. For over 30 years she has been writing erotic fiction and promoting BDSM community activism. RT Magazine awarded her Career Achievement in Erotic Romance in 2015 and their prestigious Pioneer Award for her erotic writing and publishing career. Tan’s BDSM romance novel Slow Surrender (Hachette/Forever, 2013) also won the RT Reviewers Choice Award in Erotic Romance and the Maggie Award for Excellence from the Georgia Romance Writers. She also has a stack of leather and BDSM community awards, including the Pantheon of Leather President’s Award, the NLA: International Lifetime Achievement Award and the NLA Woman of the Year, for her decades helming the Fetish Fair Fleamarket and serving on the board of the New England Leather Alliance (NELA). She is a bisexual biracial bigender switch.
Not only is she the founder of Circlet Press, Tan is the author of many books, including the ground-breaking erotic short story collections Black Feathers (HarperCollins), White Flames (Running Press), and Edge Plays (Circlet Press), and the erotic BDSM romance series Secrets of a Rockstar and the Struck by Lightning series (Hachette/Forever), The Prince’s Boy (Circlet Press), The Hot Streak (Riverdale Avenue Books), and the Magic University series (Riverdale Avenue Books). Her short stories have appeared in Ms. Magazine, Nerve, Best American Erotica, Asimov’s Science Fiction, and tons of other places. She lives in the Boston area with her lifelong partner corwin and three cats.
Photo by Tom Smarch

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