Presenting the 2013 Duck Day Menu
So if you’ve been following my Twitter feed you’ve been seeing days and days of prep cooking for our Thanksgiving extravaganza, the annual event cor...
So if you’ve been following my Twitter feed you’ve been seeing days and days of prep cooking for our Thanksgiving extravaganza, the annual event cor...
Since I often forget to take pictures as we go along (though my iPhone and Twitter have made that less of a problem than it used to be) I asked guests at the me...
A couple of people have asked for the Lapsong Souchong broth Soup Dumpling recipe. It was our first time making Soup Dumpling and we learned a bunch. Our basic ...
Coconut Brown Butter Financiers Recipe: Green Tea or Chocolate Variation Makes 3264 bite size petit fours EDIT: MAKES 64! not 32. I forgot it fills two loaf pan...
Duck Day 2012: The Seven Essentials Tradition holds that there are “seven essentials for Chinese life” and that these make for a civilized household...
Okay, here it is, the menu from this year’s Duck Day extravaganza. The planning took place last week at a dinner at Journeyman, at which Scliff said ̶...
Duck Day Photo Post #3:
Duck Day Photo Post #2:
Photos from our 2010 Duck Day extravaganza. I didn’t make any attempt to really photo document the whole meal, just snapped some pictures here and there o...
And here’s the menu from our annual thanksgiving dinner that couldn’t be beat. corwin has been calling it Duck Day since the first one of these he d...