Sample chapter: The Vanished Chronicles Book 1: Bound by the Blood
I continue to be gobsmacked at how quickly the patreon jumped up over the past week! We’re now only $29 short of the monthly goal that will trigger the se...
I continue to be gobsmacked at how quickly the patreon jumped up over the past week! We’re now only $29 short of the monthly goal that will trigger the se...
Yes! It’s finally here! The third book in the Secrets of a Rock Star series went live on Amazon at midnight and by now you should be able to buy it from e...
At last I can reveal the new, beautiful cover art for The Prince’s Boy! The very talented cover designer Kanaxa created this and I couldn’t be happi...
I’m very pleased to host Xan West, whose new book SHOW YOURSELF TO ME is this season’s “must read” BDSM book. I’ve known Xan for y...
Last week I had the pleasure of taking part in a televised roundtable discussion about 50 Shades of Grey, sponsored by the Brookline Public Library. It was sort...
I’m pleased to host another of the authors I’ll be meeting this August in New York City at BDSM Writers Con. Today’s guest is poet Cara Downey...
I’m one of 50 authors in a new book of hot BDSM fiction entitled BEYOND 50, the brainchild of kinky literati D.L. King and Laura Antoniou. The book is FRE...
Oh my goodness the imminent “50 Shades” movie adaptation has people in tizzies from all sides. We have the sex-negative nellies who worry that the W...
Racheline Maltese and Erin McRae were gracious enough to invite me to write a guest blog at Avian 30. I originally met Racheline through Harry Potter fandom, an...
How The Line Between Fantasy and Reality Defines Consent: And Why It Matters by Cecilia Tan This blog post is prompted by two things that happened today. One, a...