#Coverflip ! Reversing the gender on the cover of Slow Surrender
So, Maureen Johnson had a fun idea, what if folks took their book covers and redesigned them as if the author were the opposite gender? (Her original post on th...
So, Maureen Johnson had a fun idea, what if folks took their book covers and redesigned them as if the author were the opposite gender? (Her original post on th...
Some of you may have noticed that more books with BDSM elements are landing in the bookstores these days. You may have also noticed a trend I quite enjoy, the p...
In the free sample of Slow Surrender (my erotic romance novel just published by Hachette/GCP/Forever Yours) I posted to my website earlier, at one point our fem...
So, Slow Surrender is going live this coming week, and I’m trying to get my act together on an online chat. Should I do it with Google Hangouts, Livestrea...
So, I’m “interviewed” below as part of a blogroll going on among writers all over the Internet, wherein I have been “tagged” with ...
OK, folks. A lot of people have been asking me for advice in recent years about either how to publish or how to self-publish. In the past year alone I’ve ...
Three anthologies are currently open for submissions at Circlet Press: Charming: Modern Gay Fairy Tales — we read for this over the summer/fall, but just ...
Today’s blog post comes from erotic romance writer Amber Rose Thompson, the author of Tied To Passion and Take Bi Love, both from Renaissance eBooks. Take...
I just learned that the last of the three authors who influenced me most as a child has died. Rest in peace Anne McCaffrey. My three writer role models were Rog...
Here’s a post for those of you interested in how weblit and serialized fiction work on the Internet. So, now that August is over, I’ve been looking ...