Web Serial Toolbox: everything you need to start a fiction serial
This is the handout for my Web Serial Toolbox workshop, which I’m teaching today at Readercon at 6pm. I’m posting it here as a reference document fo...
This is the handout for my Web Serial Toolbox workshop, which I’m teaching today at Readercon at 6pm. I’m posting it here as a reference document fo...
One of the cool things about BookExpo America is that there are seminars aimed at authors, publishers, and so on. For the past few years there has been a whole ...
I’m sitting here in bed on the last night of RT Booklovers, with my knee up on pillows with an ice pack. Ouch. You see, at Heather Graham’s Vampire ...
Here are my recaps of a few more panels: Post-Gay, Marketing Series, and Bonus/Free Content. POST-GAY: When Characters Just Happen to be Gay This was a powerhou...
It has been a fabulous, busy first 24 hours at RT. I arrived last night too late to pick up my badge, but that was all right. Once I retrieved my box of giveawa...
Today I guestblogged over at the site of Jana Richards as part of my blog tour for The Incubus and the Angel. My topic is “Consent it Sexy.” “...
You know how Amazon pages always give you a strip of suggestions that says “Customers Who Bought {this thing} also bought:” ? Here’s the strip...
Last week I had the pleasure of taking part in a televised roundtable discussion about 50 Shades of Grey, sponsored by the Brookline Public Library. It was sort...
Two of my books are baseball related, one is a non-fiction book I co-wrote with Bill Nowlin in 2004 entitled 50 GREATEST RED SOX GAMES, and one is a contemporar...
The winner of last year’s BDSM Writers Con Book Contest, Kestra Gravier was gracious enough to sit down with me to talk about BDSM, fiction, and what to e...