Rave review! "My favorite of the Billionaire Dom novels"
Yeahhh!! A terrific rave review of Slow Surrender! From Romance Novel News: “I’ve read a whole bunch of erotic romances featuring dominant billionaire her...
Yeahhh!! A terrific rave review of Slow Surrender! From Romance Novel News: “I’ve read a whole bunch of erotic romances featuring dominant billionaire her...
So, yesterday I launched a campaign asking readers to help me get Slow Surrender to climb the Kindle erotic bestsellers list, and the book hit its highest rank ...
Help Slow Surrender make it into the top 40 on the Kindle erotica bestseller list and I’ll reward you with an exclusive erotic scene between Karina and Ja...
Eeeee! The book keeps climbing slowwwwly up the chart! Now up to number 61!
So if you’ve been following any of my social media, you probably know that about a month ago, my BDSM erotic romance novel, SLOW SURRENDER, was published ...
As many of you know, I’ve been involved with the National Leather Association for decades, won their Lifetime Achievement Award in 2004, and my book The P...
Part One of my SLOW SURRENDER video chat from tonight is now on Youtube! (If you just want to see the erotica reading part, skip to 25:10 or so…) After th...
SLOW SURRENDER Book Launch Chat! Monday, March 11 8pm – 10pm Eastern Join me to celebrate the launch of my latest erotic romance novel, Slow Surrender, wh...
In the free sample of Slow Surrender (my erotic romance novel just published by Hachette/GCP/Forever Yours) I posted to my website earlier, at one point our fem...
I’m coming to New York City Friday to read in the Between the Covers erotic romance reading series! 7pm – 10pm, at Happy Endings Lounge (302 Broome ...