The NLA Writing Awards (for best BDSM writing) now open for nominations
I thought I would pass along the latest call for nominations for books, articles, and stories published in calendar year 2016! NLA: International is a pansexual...
I thought I would pass along the latest call for nominations for books, articles, and stories published in calendar year 2016! NLA: International is a pansexual...
At last I can reveal the new, beautiful cover art for The Prince’s Boy! The very talented cover designer Kanaxa created this and I couldn’t be happi...
Wow! I’ve been blown away by how universally awesome the reviews have been pouring in for WILD LICKS! Apparently folks out there love dark, angsty Mal Kea...
It’s here! It’s live! Get it now from all your favorite places! WILD LICKS Paperback: $12.99 ISBN: 9781455533640 Ebook: $5.99 ISBN: 9781455533657 In...
If you missed my workshop on how and why to serialize your fiction on the web at the Romance Writers of America conference (or any of the other places I offered...
I went to the massive Romance Writers of America national conference this past week and one of the best things about this conference is that so many of the top ...
And… it’s live! That’s right, the latest volume in my gay coming of age series, Daron’s Guitar Chronicles, is live in all ebook stores! ...
The cover of the paperback leaked to Amazon a couple of weeks ago, but I’m psyched to share both the paperback and the super-sexy ebook only cover for HAR...
I’ve been exchanging messages with a lot of fans of Daron’s Guitar Chronicles this week. Two different gun incidents happened in Orlando the same we...
The last time I saw The Cure in concert was in 1989. I was freshly graduated from university and had just started my first (and only) full-time job. That job wa...