This is no doubt motivated by the fact that I really really MISSED MY HARRY POTTER PEEPS SO MUCH since I couldn’t be at Infinitus, as well as how many fabulous things I heard about Sectus when it happened in the UK… but I just bought my registration to DiaCon Alley.
It’s a Harry Potter convention happening in Canterbury in the UK, at the University of Kent, so it’s quite affordable, it seems! I just paid for my room, registration, ball ticket, and a T-shirt and it came to a total of $267 in US dollars. The rooms are at the university and include breakfast! And the registration includes a ticket to a special fan-only showing of the final installment of the HP films.
On top of that, it appears from looking at the con website that a couple of my favorite people in fandom (including
Also, a 5 pound early bird discount applies if you register before July 21st, so I jumped on it.
For more info or to register:
I’m planning on going to Ascendio, too, but it isn’t until 2012!
Edit: They also have a Livejournal community, for those on LJ: