As of Friday night (April 30th) Circlet Press has reached $1,850 in our campaign to try to raise $5,000 by March 15th, to enable us to print Best Erotic Fantasy. W00t! The “Circlet 100” campaign has garnered mentions in Publishers Weekly and, and was retweeted over 50 times.
The fundraising will continue until May 15th, and hopefully we are on pace to make our goal. To join the Circlet 100, be one of 100 readers to take us up on a special offer to purchase $128 worth of erotic sf/f ebooks for a mere $50 (20 books in all). Or get the deluxe edition for $100, which includes 27 books AND a commemorative T-shirt.
I will be emailing everyone to check on T-shirt sizes after May 15th, and shirts will be shipped along with the CD-ROMs of ebooks around June 1st.
Please keep spreading the word! High bandwidth is the way to find the Circlet 100!
To see complete details on what books you get, or to mail a check, see the original post:
To purchase, hit the CHIPIN button below. You will be directed to Paypal where you can pay with a Paypal account or with credit card/debit card. Enter either $50 or $100. It’s that simple!
(If the widget doesn’t appear to be updating for you, clear your cache. And my apologies to mobile browsers this is a Flash widget so not viewable on iPhone or some other platforms.)